The course "Mastering Postgres" helped me practice query commands and understand why they're important. Inspiring me to explore the 'why' and 'how' behind each one. Truly a great course!Nakolus
Shorten dev cycles with branching and zero-downtime schema migrations.
Another data type that Postgres supports is arrays. And now we do have arrays in JSON but we're talking about something different, which is just arrays as their own standalone data type. And that's what we're gonna look at here.
There are a lot of functions and operators and ways that you can query arrays that's actually incredibly cool and incredibly robust, we will say. We'll do a bunch of videos on that in the querying section of this course but I wanna show you the data type and show you a few of those operators. I think the interesting question for you is when should you use arrays versus breaking out the data into its own table? It's kind of a case by case basis, I can imagine something like storing an array of sensor readings or something like that, that doesn't necessarily need to be broken out into its own table because perhaps those readings are always associated with a sensor at a certain timestamp and you're doing those every minute. That makes plenty of sense to me. You're pulling back the whole thing and you want the whole chunk of readings right there together.
I could also see either storing tags as a textual representation of the tag or in fact storing the tag IDs and kind of simplifying, removing that intermediate linking table. That can make sense that proposes its... Or that raises its own issues in that you don't have that referential integrity anymore. If a tag gets deleted, it's not necessarily gonna go in and delete that item out of the array so there are trade-offs. You can decide when they are useful for you, but I am gonna show you that they exist and how cool they are so let me show you that.
Here we have a table and we just have an ID, and then we have an integer text, Boolean, and nested array columns. And you can see that we're declaring the type and then we're using these square brackets to denote that that column is an array, but it is an array full of integers. You could also say that it is an array just like that. That would be totally fine.
This one down here is a nested array and so we're saying that it is an array, an inside each array element in fact is its own array. Now that we have created that, we're gonna insert some values that I have right here. We're gonna just insert into the integer text and Boolean, we'll save the nested here for a second. And you have two formats that you can use here to declare or say that something is an array. This is the little more verbose format that's quite clear in my opinion so we can insert that. And then you have this format here, which is the curly brace format. This curly brace represents the beginning of an array, the end of an array. You can see this is our nested array right here because it is saying that the whole thing is an array.
And then inside of that are three elements, and then inside of each element are three integers. If we run that, you'll see we'll get rid of all of that and we'll do a select * from array_example
and so you see the format that comes back to us is that curly brace format. If that looks familiar to you, that's probably why because that is the standard output format. Just like the JSON columns, there are a ton of functions that we can use against these array columns, some of which are kind of esoteric and some of which are totally awesome.
I'm trying to keep our discussion separate, I wanna talk about data types and building a good foundation here. And then when we get into more of the indexing and querying, we will build upon those data types and figure out what indexes go where, how to query it, how to update it, that kind of stuff. I'm trying to keep that... I'm trying to keep us on the straight and narrow in terms of data types.
However, I kind of wanna show you a few of these operators so let me show you just a few. Here is our base query, we just have this one row here that actually has a text array in it. The first thing you can do is pull out a single element. However, you cannot pull out the zeroth element because it is one based indexing. Honestly kind of wild. You know, I just don't see that very much any anymore. One based indexing where if you are using a JSON array in Postgres, that is zero based indexing, so keep that in mind. One based indexing, you can also do slices. We can say one to three or we can say, just gimme all of the items up to three. Or we can say, give me all of the items three and beyond. You can do open-ended slices, you can do closed slices, you can do one to 10. And even if there aren't 10, it's still gonna be totally fine so that is how you can do some slicing. I think the next one, let's do daisy. So we can say, show me ID and text_array from array_example where... I dunno why that capital W... Where text_array and then we do this wonky little guy right here and we can say array of let's say poppy, in fact. This is the array includes operator.
If we were to say, you know, something else, I'd say, "Well, there are no rows that include poppyasdf but there are some rows that include poppy." And of course you could use the shorthand poppy like that and that would still come back good. The last one that I wanna show you here, again there are many, but the last one I wanna show you here is fundamentally different because this returns a result set. If we did unnest of text array, it's gonna turn it into rows, which you can then operate on. If you had, and this is a little preview, if you had with flowers as and then you created a CTE out of this, select * from flowers
, then you can do whatever you want. Select * from flowers let's name this... Boy this is fun, you guys are gonna love the querying section. As flower so where flower equals, what do we wanna say? Let's do poppy again so there you go. It's pretty cool, frankly. I do love this stuff especially unnest, which takes an array and turns it into a result set and the items that are not arrays will just be copied down. That's a nice way. That's a nice way to get back into SQL land out of just kinda like array land. We do love SQL land.
So hopefully you can see a few places where arrays might be useful. There are of course trade-offs like we talked about at the beginning but that's up for you to decide for your own use case. They are a very valuable and very functional data type, and we'll look at adding indexes and queries on them later.