The course "Mastering Postgres" helped me practice query commands and understand why they're important. Inspiring me to explore the 'why' and 'how' behind each one. Truly a great course!Nakolus
Shorten dev cycles with branching and zero-downtime schema migrations.
As we've progressed through the modules, we're getting more and more practical. We started out with kind of an intro and then we did some data types, and some indexes, and some reconstructing of result sets, some explains. All of that stuff is very good information to have. It all builds upon itself until we reach this point.
Now, we're out kind of in the real world, in the practical side of things, but it builds on all of that theoretical knowledge that we've gone through so far. If you haven't watched those modules, I would highly encourage you to do that now 'cause we're gonna talk about indexes and explains and joins, but we're not gonna go into super detail because we already did that.
In this one we're gonna look at some advanced SQL, some performance optimizations, that sort of thing. We'll look at CTEs, recursive CTEs, window functions, all kinds of super fun stuff. As you're watching this, I would encourage you to keep your problem set in mind. Keep your domain, your application, your business logic. Keep all of that in mind and see where these examples might apply to what you do day-to-day 'cause that's really gonna help solidify the knowledge. I will try to make the best examples that I can, but it's gonna make a lot more sense to you, or it's going to help you remember these things a lot better if you immediately take it and you apply it to your own area of expertise. Keep that in mind as you're watching these.
This one's gonna be super fun. So here we go.