The course "Mastering Postgres" helped me practice query commands and understand why they're important. Inspiring me to explore the 'why' and 'how' behind each one. Truly a great course!Nakolus
Shorten dev cycles with branching and zero-downtime schema migrations.
One thing we have to talk about is Postgres versus X, right?
Postgres versus MySQL. Postgres versus SQLite, Postgres versus whatever else, right? Postgres versus the world, honestly.
Postgres is amazing. It's extremely extensible, extremely performant. They continue to make updates that make things better and not worse. Postgres is, it's just very, very feature-rich and very powerful.
It is not the right tool for every scenario. It is the right tool for a lot of scenarios. Here's what I wanna tell you. My job here is not to engage in some sort of flame war between Postgres and MySQL. I'm not gonna tell you why Postgres is amazing and why MySQL sucks, that may very well be true, but that's not my responsibility here. My responsibility here is to teach you how to use Postgres really, really well, and hopefully illuminate the scenarios where it works amazingly, and maybe somewhere it doesn't work super well.
We have a full module on full text search, but in some cases, using Elasticsearch is gonna be way, way better. It's a tool built for that purpose. Even on something like, they stream the data out for you. They stream it out into an Elasticsearch cluster because full-text search can be really gnarly, and you might need to reach outside of Postgres for that.
I love SQLite. I have a full course on SQLite, which is very good, by the way. SQLite is not right for every use case. Postgres is not right for every use case. What I'm gonna do in this course is I'm gonna teach you how to be really, really good at Postgres. Throughout the course, I'm gonna try to tell you scenarios where Postgres works really well, but I'm not gonna be afraid of saying, "This is a little bit weird," or, "I don't like that Postgres does that."
Because my job is not to be a Postgres militant evangelist. My job is to teach you how to use the thing really well. That's the lane that I wanna in, is if you like Postgres and you want to use it, that's awesome. Let me help you use it the best way possible.